International Day Of Clean Air For Blue Skies -sol4 lanka
Cure nature to nurture the future generation with Soltron Enzymatic Fuel Treatment
Clean air is the holy grail of our existence;
without which living will be impossible. In the world before technology and industrialization the air was clear and pure. The only worry was putting food on the table for your family. The passing years gave us other problems to ponder; and each year saw to mankind answer the world’s questions through innovations and developments. However, with all these innovations and developments comes a silent
killer, and it is as deadly as one who deals damage upfront. Air pollution is a result of the negligence of
mankind. The World Health Organization deemed that around 4.6 million of the entire global population fall victim of the lack of clean air, and that nearly 92% of the population reside in areas where clean air is scarce.
Sri Lanka alone has reported 7,792 casualties due to air-pollution related diseases (as of 2019) and it is expected to increase each year.
The United Nations have declared that around 7 million people worldwide die prematurely each year from air pollution, with about 4 millions of these deaths occurring in Asia-Pacific. Air pollution costs the global economy $5 trillion every year in welfare costs. Further, ground-level ozone pollution is expected to reduce staple crop yields by 26% by 2030.
If the global statistics does not cause a trigger, consider the fact that 45% of the admissions of children to hospitals are due to air pollution in Sri Lanka. In an urbanized setting, this might not seem clear, but the true reality can be identified once we venture onto the Nothern Province where lack of clean air is a massive threat for the children’s’ overall wellbeing. A single person alone cannot put a stop to this catastrophe. Each person is responsible to clear up after themselves. The most important thing that needs to consider is the vehicle that is used. It is very convenient to step into a vehicle and rush off to work early in the morning. It might be convenient for the driver, but the carbon emission left in its wake prove otherwise. To give a solution, one must dive into the core cause to such emissions. The primary cause is identified within the engine of the vehicle, and the nature of the gasoline used as fuel. The fuel is burnt to give the needed drive, and the unburnt particles get sent out of the exhaust into the environment. That is the